Our mission is to provide a safe haven for all wildlife and to provide food and shelter throughout the year by planting wildlife friendly flora

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Glyn Bach once belonged to the nearby Gilfach slate quarry and the house was divided into two small properties, one for the Quarry manager and one for the quarry foreman.
The house is immediately surrounded by wide slate and stone walls which incorporate about 2 acres of cultivated garden. This, in turn, is surrounded by 4 acres of woodland, scrub, bog and a large pond. The garden also includes outcrops of slate and bluestone (of Stonehenge fame). The whole property occupying a low hill beside the Eastern Cleddau river.
Birdlife is plentiful and visitors have included Ring Ouzel, Blackcap, Whitethroat and spotted flycatcher. Residents include Tawny owls, Greater spotted woodpeckers, Marsh tits, Treecreepers, Nuthatches, Pied and Grey wagtails.
Reptiles include Grass snakes, Lizards, Newts, Toads and Frogs.
Mammals seen here include Otter, Weasel, Mink, and Fox
The whole garden is intended as a refuge for wildlife so has been planted sympathetically, in both the cultivated and wild areas to blend into one harmonious, picturesque and peaceful haven.
Glyn Bach Gardens is a haven for wildlife, particularly Bats, Bees, Birds and Butterflies.

Glyn Bach has many species of Bumble and Solitary Bee which we will continue to monitor and photograph. The garden is well stocked with Monardas which are a favourite plant for the long tongued Bumble bees, however, we are careful to provide plants and flowers which are attractive to all pollinators.
We also have our own colonies of Honey bee which are thriving in the clean air of the Preselli hills.
There are no visible boundaries between garden and countryside. One melds into the other and seasonal displays of flowers include wild bluebells, campion, ragged robin, marsh woundwort, meadowsweet, rosebay willow-herb, wood anemone, wild cherry, blackthorn and much more.
The pond is fed from a spring and is full of wildlife. Every year the mass exodus of baby toads is spectacular and holds up our mowing for several weeks.
To improve habitats we have removed some of the holly, blackthorn and bramble which has infested the woodland. Hazel coppice has been reinstated.
Our experiments with annual flower beds, to see which mixes provide the most opportunities for pollinators over the longest period, have shown that Echium Blue Bedder and Phacelia are invaluable for our bees.

The garden was started in 2012....Just look at it now!
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